As we approach Giving Tuesday, we want to share some of the real life stories of people whose lives have been touched by the programs It’s The Journey supports. Today’s story comes from one of our grantees, Good News Clinics in Gainesville.
“Our patient, ‘Lilibet’ had been under the care of one of our long-time providers, Dr. D. Dr. D encouraged Lilibet to go for a screening mammogram due to concerns she was feeling about Lilibet’s overall health. Many patients do not want to get screening tests because they are afraid of what might show up. Although logically, tests do not cause disease, many patients react to the recommendation to have testing negatively, as though not knowing makes the disease not exist.
Dr. D persisted in encouraging Lilibet to have the mammogram, providing education and encouragement to Lilibet at each visit. Lilibet agreed to the test, which revealed areas of concern. Dr. D quickly moved to have follow up testing done. The diagnosis did prove to be cancer. Dr D was able to arrange for Lilibet to receive treatment and continued to provide education and encouragement along the journey.
Fortunately, Lilibet’s prognosis is excellent and she remains a patient at Good News Clinics. She refers to Dr. D as “The Angel Lady” and looks for her each time she comes to the clinic.
It is stories like this one that we are grateful to be able to share! We are so thankful for the work of It’s The Journey and all the Lilibets who can be helped because of the work you do!”
If you would like to help ITJ help more people like Lilibet, support our “Strive for Five” Giving Tuesday campaign. We’re aiming to raise enough money to take 5 people in need through the breast cancer diagnostic process. Learn more or donate here.